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Women find 81% of Men Unattractive - Dating Apps and Unfair Standards?


Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid are the new standard in today's society. They provide a quick and easy approach to make new connections and seek possible partners. There is growing concern that such apps are establishing unfair standards, particularly for men, as their popularity soars. 


Social Media Influence

The Influence of Social Media As social media has grown in popularity, our interpersonal interactions have undergone a significant transformation. On Facebook, Instagram, TikTok Images of the ideal physical type, way of life, and attitude are all around us these days. Unrealistic expectations have grown as a result, particularly when it comes to relationships. Men are supposed to be funny, charming, have excellent careers with 6 figure salary, be 6 feet tall and have formed abs.

A study from OkCupid

Online dating can be difficult, particularly for men. Women typically have a more critical eye when evaluating the appearance of men, whereas most men find all women to some extent attractive. A research by OkCupid found that 81% of women think most men are unattractive. This means that even men who are more handsome than the average may have trouble finding partners.

How Women Rate Men on OkCupid Stats

Due of high standards set by dating apps, it's not uncommon for men to feel disheartened by the online dating scene. However, a number of factors, notably men's poor photographic abilities, contribute to this phenomena. Men frequently lack the same skills and level of comfort in front of the camera as women, who are presented to take shots and present themselves in the best light. As a result, the quality of their pictures may not accurately reflect their attractiveness.

It is also more difficult for men to stand out in a sea of potential partners because women have access to an extensive selection of possibilities and nitpick on the slightest things. Although this may be disheartening, there are solutions to change by improving your profile where you stand above the rest of the men to increase your matchrate and amount of dates you can achieve.

Schedule a Meeting for your first session with us right now to improve on your profile and increase on your Matchrate for Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and okCupid.